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Experiences with Global Work and Travel Co.?

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(19, Australia)

Hey all,

So I will be heading out to Europe very soon to begin travelling (June) and I planned to work in the UK under a Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa during my stay. I had a friend in the UK who booked with (GWAT) and suggested the program for me. I wanted to enquire about the company and followed their process. I got a phone call today and honestly it was cringe, annoying and I immediately picked up on aggressive/pushy sales tactics but disregarded it as a guy trying to earn his commission, I disconnected my emotions from the phone call and just faked my excitement. I was pressured into putting a non-refundable deposit which I paid for (money isn't an issue to me but I regret it) and just finished the phone call. Looking at the reviews, majority of them are really positive but I don't know if I fall for it as I'm a bit sceptical so I'll ask here. Does anyone have any true experiences with GWAT. Was it positive or negative? Should I stay with them and continue to book or cancel and just do it all myself (even though I don't get my $695 back).

Would love to hear back asap. I have someone contacting me tomorrow and I would like to feel confident in a decision whether to continue or cancel. Thanks guys. :)

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I’m really late and just seeing this but feel compelled to write in case anyone in the future is following due to my utter disgust. Was naive and spent $4k on volunteering in Kenya back in 2015. They said money will go towards the cause and communities. Once there, communities said they do not receive a single cent from them. It’s a scam. When back in the US I emailed to confront and they maintained that funds WILL go to the internally displaced people communities but could not prove it and have NEVER followed up with me on it to this day. Steer away

April 11, 2019 | Forum: r/travel

Do you carry a CO detector with you on travels, or do you believe it's unnecessary?

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I suggested that if people were going on vacation, they should bring a carbon monoxide (CO) detector/alarm since it's so small and relatively cheap. (reddit link here)

But most people in the replies were dismissive. I don't think it should be dismissed because I've found horror stories of Airbnb doing poor jobs of inspecting rental properties, etc.

I've heard some countries don't use heaters at all, however carbon monoxide could be produced by any burning fuel including wood, not just gas appliances or what I would commonly imagine.

(Original post follows:)

Why YSK?: Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning killed 28,900 people in 2021. Source CO can't be noticed by our bodies but is easily detected by a working CO alarm, making any death/injury by CO poisoning easily preventable. Bring your own CO alarm on vacation since many homes/rooms lack working ones. The CO alarms might not be installed at all.

Vacationers have been injured or killed because the place they were staying at didn't have a CO detector and experienced CO buildup while they were staying there/sleeping.

Lack of CO detectors is a problem anywhere and everywhere. Bring a CO detector to potentially save your life. Source

In addition to staying at a place with a working CO detector/bringing your own, also learn the symptoms of CO poisoning.

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Of all the things to be concerned about while traveling, this so far down the list that shark bite seems like a reasonable concern by comparison. FYI you are more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark.

January 28, 2024 | Forum: r/travel

How to unlock fast travel points in co-op when you're not the host?

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The game is a lot of fun, but I noticed that when I play with friends, only the host can build tents. But when you go back to your lobby, you no longer have those tents and can't use fast travel anymore.

That can't be right though. I'm sure I'm missing something. Anyone know what I need to do?

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You can use the tents the host has placed on their world to fast travel.

January 13, 2023 | Forum: r/WildHeartsGame

Seamless co-op fast travel

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I was playing with a friend and wanted to fast travel by myself but wasn't able to, is there anyway or mod to make it so I could fast travel by myself?

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No you have to fast travel together

January 26, 2023 | Forum: r/EldenRingMods

Best travel sized carbon monoxide detector?

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It very rare that Airbnbs have carbon monoxide detectors. When everything is electric, that's probably not a big deal. When the cooking range and the heater is gas powered, however, that seems like a really good idea to have one.

Anyone has a favourite travel friendly CO detector?

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This is the one I travel around with. My uncle got carbon monoxide poisoning while staying in a B&B in California. He was unable to walk due to neurological damage for a very long time.

May 21, 2021 | Forum: r/digitalnomad

Advice needed for Solo travel to Seville - with potential side trips to Cadiz and Granada

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Hello All. The last time I spent any material time on this subreddit was roughly a year ago planning the first solo trip of my early 40s to Lisbon (Portugal). The inputs that many of you on here provided were absolutely priceless and helped me have an incredibly amazing and memorable experience. I am trying to do a similar trip at the same time (third week of November). I am also trying to mimic some of the key aspects of my trip to Lisbon. Namely:

A. I stayed in a co-living setup with other young working professionals. While I am 41 years old, I pass off for someone much younger and that helped in this type of setup. At hostels, I feel conclusively ancient (I did both the co-living thing AND the hostel thing in Lisbon and the former was far better for me socially).

B. I was working remotely (only for 3 days) so staying in a co-living setup geared for digital nomads and working professionals was ideal. The community aspect of this place also meant that I had company almost EVERY evening for most activities.

Outsite (the co-living company that I stayed at last year) has a bunch of locations but many of them are in beaches or in Portugal (I definitely don’t want to do two consecutive trips to Portugal although I loved the last one). The beach destinations are non-ideal for mid-to-late November. The only other destination that somewhat makes sense is Marrakech (Morocco) but I’ve heard that city comes to life in the evenings and I’ll be stuck working US east coast hours for three of those days. In view of this, my aunt suggested that I explore a trip to Southern Spain – a trip that combines Seville, Cadiz, and Granada. I’d have roughly around 8-9 days for this trip. On the days I am working, Seville will be the place I stay. I have a few questions about this.

A. Any recommendations for co-living setups in Seville that have a strong community aspect to them?

B. How challenging can Seville be for vegetarians (I’ve fared spectacularly well as a vegetarians in cities such as Barcelona and Lisbon)?

C. Is Seville geared for solo travelers in the way that cities such as Barcelona and Lisbon are?

D. Any other considerations I need to factor in as I try to figure out if this trip makes sense?

Any and ALL inputs will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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Seville is fine for vegetarians: like all of Spain, there’s quite a bit of pork options, but you can get by. In terms of solo travelers, it’s a smaller city than Lisbon and Barcelona by a lot, but there’s plenty of solo travelers. Given that you asked this question, maybe I’d suggest you look into Seville a bit and make sure that’s where you want to go: it has a different vibe than those other cities.

Apologies but I don’t know if any co-living spaces as I stayed in a hostel there.

August 12, 2023 | Forum: r/solotravel